How to Know If You Are a Political Basket Case in One Free Lesson

Tyler Mitchell By Tyler Mitchell Jul4,2024 #finance

If you think or act like what I am about to show you, please seek help.

“The only thing I can wish for, at this point, is for some pissed-off far left whackadoodles ….” Middle Left Below

PA Constable?

I can find no evidence this guy is an elected official but that is his claim.

A Big Dissent

He claims to be a PA elected official. I searched for a half hour and found no evidence.

A Crying Shame

Lesson Over

Let’s lighten things up.

Biden Goes After the Atlanta Journal Constitution

Excellent Logic Department

Back to the Humor Department

Bill Gates wants to fix cows.

Question of the Day

let’s rehash the latest Supreme Court Decision.

The Left is Aghast at the Correct Supreme Court Immunity Decision on Trump

In case you missed it, please consider The Left is Aghast at the Correct Supreme Court Immunity Decision on Trump

In a 6-3 decision, the SC that held the President has immunity for official acts. It was not a complete victory for Trump. In fact, the Court rejected Trump’s base case.

But that did not stop major hyperventilation from the Left including this nonsensical headline from the Huffington Post: Supreme Court Gives Joe Biden The Legal OK To Assassinate Donald Trump

Did anyone bother to read the ruling before commenting?

Let’s finish with great news.

Great News (for Republicans) ‘No One’s Pushing Me Out,’ Says Biden

Happy Independence Day!

Tyler Mitchell

By Tyler Mitchell

Tyler is a renowned journalist with years of experience covering a wide range of topics including politics, entertainment, and technology. His insightful analysis and compelling storytelling have made him a trusted source for breaking news and expert commentary.

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