The Abortion Issue Comes Alive in Arizona, It Could Cost Republicans Dearly

Alex Thompson By Alex Thompson Jun4,2024 #finance

In Arizona, Republicans bucked Trump and Kari Lake, and try to block another push to repeal abortion ban.

Abortion Battle in a Swing State

Please note Arizona Republicans Block Another Push to Repeal Abortion Ban

Arizona has become ground zero in the fight for abortion access after the state Supreme Court reinstated a 160-year-old law earlier this month banning nearly all abortions. The ruling has given some momentum to Democrats in a state that could decide the White House and both chambers of Congress.

Abortion in Arizona has been allowed through 15 weeks of pregnancy under a law the GOP-controlled state legislature passed in 2022. The state’s high court said in its April 9 decision that the recent law doesn’t override one dating to 1864—before Arizona was a state—that banned abortion throughout pregnancy except in lifesaving situations.

Polling shows the majority of Americans and Arizonans aren’t aligned with Republicans on abortion. A Wall Street Journal poll from March found Arizona voters were most likely to say that they wouldn’t support a candidate they disagreed with on abortion. In the poll, which was conducted before the Arizona ruling, the majority of voters there said they supported access to the procedure—and more voters said they backed  President Biden’s approach than that of Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential candidate.

WSJ Arizona Poll

Politically and Morally Stupid

Telling someone who is raped they have to carry a small mass of dividing cells to full term is politically and morally stupid.

That is what the nation believes and in this case what Arizona overwhelmingly believes.

I wonder what the percentage would have been if instead of Biden, the abortion question pertained to 15 weeks. That’s a reasonable time for someone to make a decision.

Last November, 75 percent of Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment that ensures access to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care.

Open Democracy reported that In Virginia, Democrats held on to their majority in the State Senate and gained a majority in the House of Delegates, despite strong campaigning by the state’s Republican governor Glenn Youngkin for a Republican majority in both houses, with the goal of passing an abortion ban.

That is precisely what Youngkin deserved for being so politically out of touch. Had he taken a moderate position, he likely would have won control.

Nebraska Sen. Pete Ricketts Donates $500,000 to Abortion Ban Ballot Initiative

UPI reports Nebraska Sen. Pete Ricketts Donates $500,000 to Abortion Ban Ballot Initiative

Apart from Rickett’s donation to help end abortion in Nebraska, a competing ballot initiative that seeks to protect abortion for up to 24 weeks could also be on November’s election ballot.

Seven other states — California, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, Ohio and Vermont — have made abortion legal in their state constitutions.

A bunch of Neandertal males want to impose their views on the rest of the nation when even voters disagree in Republican states like Ohio, by overwhelming margins.

This folks is how you lose elections. It certainly cost Republicans votes in the midterm elections and it could happen again.

Is Trump Losing Control?

The Wall Street Journal reported Donald Trump asked Arizona to change course on the hot-button issue.

In a sign of the political ramifications of the [Arizona] decision, Trump and Kari Lake, the expected GOP Senate candidate, both said the outright ban goes too far and called on the legislature to remove it. Both have previously said they oppose abortion. Trump has touted his nomination of three justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who helped overturn Roe v. Wade, and Lake had praised the ban. In recent days, Lake has called some GOP lawmakers and urged them to vote to roll back the measure and offered them support for doing so, a person familiar with the matter said. 

Despite the plea from Trump and Lake, and the constitutional amendment in Ohio, Arizona Neandertals went ahead anyway.

Trump’s VP Pick

Trump needs to immediately rule out as a VP candidate any abortion hardliner. At the top of the exclusion list is Tim Scott. He is in favor of a banning abortions nationally.

That would also rule out Representative Elise Stefanik of New York and Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio. Vance called the Ohio constitutional amendment a “gut punch”. Also it would put into play a replacement election for Senator. And Finally Vance is not a woman and that is what Trump needs most on the ticket to win.

Put South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on the discard pile as well. In 2023, CBS News reported Gov. Kristi Noem says she would “nudge” GOP governors, including Florida’s Ron DeSantis, to do more to restrict abortion.

Politically speaking those are all losers.

Spotlight Tulsi Gabbard

The only one on Trump’s short list who could make a big difference with women in general, especially suburban housewives is Tulsi Gabbard.

Wikipedia notes “Gabbard has generally supported legal abortion through the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, though her views on abortion have changed over time. When young, Gabbard opposed abortion.”

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner: Female, young, a moderate view on abortion.

Trump’s base would howl, but what are they going to do? Vote for Biden in protest?

Appealing to abortion Neandertals is a weak setup. However, Biden is so bad, Trump could win anyway. But if Trump wants to win and win big, Tulsi would be an extremely smart pick.

Trump Trial in New Yok Begins This Week

On April 14, I commented Trump Trial in New Yok Begins This Week, Expect a Media Circus

Can Trump Get a Fair Trial?

That’s actually the wrong question. The right question is: Should there be a trial?

Since there should not be a trial at all, by definition a trial cannot be fair.

The charges are remarkably shaky and so is the key witness. It only takes one holdout to reach the correct conclusion, that felony charges are a sham.

Trump is in the batter’s box. He bucked the religious wrong in Arizona. Now let’s see if he can hit a political grand slam.

If Biden Loses the Election, What Will Be the Top Reason?

On April 7, I asked, and answered, If Biden Loses the Election, What Will Be the Top Reason?

See if you agree.

Alex Thompson

By Alex Thompson

Alex is an award-winning journalist with a passion for investigative reporting. With over 15 years of experience in the field, Alex has covered a wide range of topics from politics to entertainment. Known for in-depth research and compelling storytelling, Alex's work has been featured in major news outlets around the world.

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14 thoughts on “The Abortion Issue Comes Alive in Arizona, It Could Cost Republicans Dearly”
  1. As a resident of Arizona, it’s disappointing to see the GOP-controlled state legislature constantly pushing to restrict abortion access. It’s time for politicians to listen to the majority of Arizonans who support reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.

  2. It’s concerning to see the Republican stance on abortion in Arizona. The state’s recent law, dating back to 1864, contradicts the majority opinion of both Americans and Arizonans. It’s crucial for politicians to consider the well-being and rights of women in these decisions.

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