Bottom Line: Press freedom nonprofit signs former congresswoman to push PRESS Act

Samantha Parker By Samantha Parker Jun3,2024


The Freedom of the Press Foundation hired Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz to lobby for the passage of the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying (PRESS) Act. 

The PRESS Act, which has bipartisan, bicameral support, bars the federal government from compelling journalists and telecommunication providers to disclose sources or any records the journalist obtained or created as part of their work. The lobbyist on the account is former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.).


The fast fashion giant Shein hired Navigators Global to lobby on issues related to the apparel industry, online retail and competition, inventory and trade. The firm will also educate members on “SHEIN’s presence, operating footprint, and economic impact in the United States,” according to the new registration, as some members of Congress call for a probe into allegations that the company uses forced Uyghur labor to make its popular clothes. 

Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-Fla.) former chief of staff Cesar ​Conda is the lobbyist on the account. Rubio, vice chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, is one of the lawmakers scrutinizing Shein. Earlier this month, Rubio asked Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to investigate the alleged use of forced labor by Shein and Temu, another fast fashion brand.


The United Launch Alliance, Lockheed Martin and Boeing’s joint space venture, hired Red Maple Consulting to lobby on budget issues related to space launches, both for civilian and national security purposes. The lobbyist on the account is Pete ​Kirkham, former chief of staff to Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), who was elected chair of the powerful House Appropriations Committee earlier this month.

​Big Brothers Big Sisters New York City hired Oscar Policy Group to monitor federal funding opportunities and FY25 Community Funded Projects. The lobbyist on the account is Michael ​Oscar, who worked as a staffer for former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) from 2002 to 2010.


The digital asset company ​Ripple Labs hired the Conaway Graves Group to lobby on issues related to digital assets, cryptocurrencies, the blockchain and the Digital Commodity Exchange Act, a bill introduced during the last Congress that gives the Commodity Futures Trading Commission authority to oversee and regulate digital exchanges. Former Rep. Mike ​Conaway (R-Texas) will work on the account.

Samantha Parker

By Samantha Parker

Samantha is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the truth behind the headlines. With years of experience in investigative reporting, she has covered a wide range of topics including politics, crime, and entertainment. Her in-depth analysis and commitment to factual accuracy make her a respected voice in the field of journalism.

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2 thoughts on “Bottom Line: Press freedom nonprofit signs former congresswoman to push PRESS Act”
  1. As an advocate for human rights and freedom of the press, I believe it’s crucial to support the PRESS Act. Journalists should not be coerced into revealing their sources or work records by the government. Kudos to the Freedom of the Press Foundation for taking a stand on this important issue.

  2. I believe it’s crucial to protect journalists’ sources and work records from government interference. The PRESS Act seems like a positive step towards safeguarding press freedom and ensuring transparent journalism.

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